Page 12 - Menar Presentation
P. 12


               11. What else can they do?

                       They  not  only  calculate  a  series  of  flashing

                         random numbers, but without shifting their eyes

                         from  the  screen,  they  can  also  answer  your

                         questions on any subject, even questions which

                         involve numbers.

                       Some of them can recite a poem, sing a song

                         or play a musical instrument (piano or violin)

                         while their eyes are on the flashing numbers to

                         be calculated.

                       Some  of  them  can  perform  two  separate

                         calculations  simultaneously  of  two  series  of

                         random            numbers

                         flashing  separately

                         on a divided screen.

                         Or  when  they  are

                         following                  the

                         numbers  on  the

                         screen  for  an  addition  problem,  they  can

                         answer verbally asked multiplication problems

                         at  the  same  time  without  shifting  their  eyes

                         from the flashing numbers on the screen.
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17